Kathy Ireland Show - How is Premonition Changing laws? - With Guy Kurlandski & Toby Unwin

Kathy Ireland show, how is Premonition changing laws? with Co-Founders Guy Kurlandski and Toby Unwin. Analytics for insider legal news and visit us at https://www.Premonition.ai

Kathy Ireland Show Video Transcript:

0:17welcome to worldwide business I'm Kathy
0:22Ireland despite great technological
0:24advances when it comes time to choose an
0:26attorney many people still use outdated
0:29processes and they do so to their
0:31detriment flying in the face of that
0:33comes premonition a revolutionary
0:36game-changer that is disrupting
0:39traditional litigation practices
0:41co-founder and CEO guy car Lansky and
0:45co-founder and inventor Toby Unwin are
0:47here to show us what we've been missing
0:49welcome to you both thank you it's good
0:52to be a good to be Toby can you please
0:55describe that antiquated process that
0:58the public is used for centuries and
1:01choosing litigators at the moment
1:02they'll see someone on a billboard or on
1:05television or see an advert on Google
1:10Adwords or they'll ask a friend or
1:12something like that then they'll go and
1:14they'll speak to the attorney and I
1:16think really you sign up with an
1:18attorney despite what they say not
1:19because of it and unfortunately none of
1:22that stuff has any bearing whatsoever on
1:25actual performance awards don't firm
1:29name dozens it's essentially completely
1:32random we have assembled the world's
1:34largest database of litigation which in
1:37itself is quite a job there's over 3,000
1:41individual courthouses in America none
1:43of the same none of them are linked and
1:45we taught an artificial intelligence
1:48system to read every single one of those
1:50cases figure out who won and who lost
1:53and then it's a reasonably simple matter
1:56to kind of crunch it all to figure out
1:57who wins particular case types for
2:00particular judges we like to say it's a
2:03very very unfair advantage in litigation
2:06guy could you please describe the type
2:07of company that would benefit most from
2:09your services in round terms really I
2:11mean anybody that's being sued would
2:13benefit the most but as a general rule
2:15of course the more you get sued more you
2:18would benefit from having the ability to
2:20analyze the choices you make at the end
2:23of the day the bulk of litigation is
2:25paid for not by individuals or
2:27corporations but actually by insurers so
2:29insurers are
2:31top of our list but obviously gc's at
2:33corporations the more lawsuits they have
2:36the more we feel we can help them the
2:38more we know we can help them would you
2:39describe premonition as a legal tech
2:43firm or do you have a more precise
2:45definition we have a slightly broader
2:48definition because we see legal tech is
2:50quite narrow and antiquated we perceive
2:54ourselves to be a perception reality
2:56arbitrage firm so we're looking at the
2:59differences between how good people are

Thank You